SEC Announces CCOutreach Schedule for 2007

March 08, 2007

Reading time : 2 minutes

The SEC has announced dates and locations for the 2007 CCOutreach Program regional seminars. Seminars are conducted by the various SEC regional and district offices, but seating is limited for the seminars and priority is given to CCOs of investment advisors and mutual funds.

According to the SEC, the goal of the CCOutreach Program is to provide Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) of investment advisors with the information on the SEC, resources available to CCOs, and the SEC examination process, including hot topics and items examiners will be focusing on. Another goal of the program is to create a continuous dialogue between the SEC and CCOs. According to the SEC press release, this year’s seminar topics will include:

  • the examination and risk assessment process;
  • books and records and disclosures and filings;
  • brokerage arrangements, best execution, trade allocation, and soft dollars;
  • marketing, performance, advertising, and distribution.

The CCOutreach program was an outcome from passage of Rule 206(4)-7, “Compliance Procedures and Policies”, which can seem challenging and downright intimidating to the average investment advisor. The thought of an SEC, risk-based examination only compounds the pressure placed upon the CCO. The SEC should be commended for making a serious effort to work with investment advisors and their CCOs. RIA Compliance Consultants, Inc. believes investment advisors are better off by taking advantage of this program. Click here to read more information from the SEC website.

If your firm cannot attend one of the CCOutreach seminars but would still like to talk to a compliance professional regarding the current regulatory environment facing investment advisors, give us a call today.

Posted by Bryan Hill
Labels: SEC