A2. RCC.Registr.SEC.Turnkey Registr Package


This Compliance Services Agreement, which includes and incorporates the attached schedules
and/or addendums, (the "Agreement") is between RIA Compliance Consultants, Inc., a Nebraska
corporation located at 6910 Pacific Street, Suite 102, Omaha, Nebraska 68106 ("RCC" or “RIA
Compliance Consultants”), and investment adviser as identified below (the "Client").

Section 1. Scope of Engagement & Compliance Services Are Limited

This scope of this engagement and the compliance services available from RCC under this
Agreement are limited as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein
(“Compliance Services”). The term “Securities Regulator” as used in this Agreement refers to the
primary U.S. securities regulator of Client as an investment adviser. RCC does not provide any
assistance with or services for compliance requirements of foreign securities regulators.

Section 2. Fees & Term

RCC's fees, expenses, initial retainer, method of payments, billing practices, replenishment of
retainers, term and refunds for this engagement are described in Exhibit B attached hereto and
incorporated herein and the Minimum Fixed Fee and Hourly Rate Schedule attached hereto and
incorporated herein.

Section 3. Client’s Duties

  1. Client recognizes the value and usefulness of the Compliance Services of RCC are
    dependent upon the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by Client to RCC.
    Client will provide RCC with all requested information and documents that RCC may reasonably
    request in order to prepare any mutually agreed upon investment advisor documents and perform
    RCC’s Compliance Services. Client will affirmatively disclose to RCC (without RCC making a
    specific request) any material information related to the Compliance Services being provided to
    Client. Depending upon the particular services being provided to Client, the following are
    examples of material information which should be shared with RCC: (i) any conflicts of interest of
    Client, Client’s supervised persons and Client’s parent company/owner, subsidiaries, and
    affiliates; (ii) any deficiencies or violations (known to Client or Client’s executives, staff or
    investment adviser representatives) of Client’s code of ethics or supervisory procedures and
    policies; (iii) any deficiencies or violations (known to Client or Client’s executives, staff or
    investment adviser representatives) of applicable rules, regulations or laws; (iv) any current or
    prior inquiries or investigations by Client regarding violations of Client’s code of ethics or
    supervisory procedures and policies, any rules, regulations and laws, or industry practices; (v)
    any current or prior customer disputes, arbitrations or lawsuits related to Client or Client’s
    executives, staff or investment adviser representatives; and (vi) any regulatory or criminal
    inquires, investigations or proceedings regarding Client or Client’s executives, staff or investment
    adviser representatives. RCC will not be responsible for the verification of the information and
    documentation provided by Client. RCC will not be responsible for verifying the accuracy or
    truthfulness of any information, document or statements provided by the officers, staff, investment
    adviser representatives or outside professionals (such as attorneys and accountants) of Client.

  2. It is Client’s responsibility to fully disclose in advance to RCC all material facts related to
    Client’s investment advisor. Moreover, it is Client’s duty to review, understand, add, edit and
    revise if necessary, implement and update any documents (e.g., disclosure document, policies,
    procedures, checklists and code of ethics) provided or prepared by RCC. To the extent that
    Compliance Services involve written supervisory procedures or code of ethics, Client understands
    that the template and customized written supervisory policies and procedures and code of ethics
    provided or prepared by RCC are based generally upon the published investment adviser rules of
    Securities Regulator but should not be considered as exhaustive, comprehensive or definitive list
    of Client’s obligations under the investment adviser laws and rules; the template and customized
    written supervisory policies and procedures and code of ethics provided or prepared by RCC may
    not necessarily address every topic, policy or procedure that may need to be covered by Client.
    RCC offers no warranty or guaranty that the written supervisory procedures or code of ethics
    provided by RCC is current or addresses all topics, conflicts of interest, rules, policies and
    procedures required by Securities Regulator. RCC strongly recommends that Client review all of
    the specific statutes and regulations of Securities Regulator for an investment adviser. Any
    template and customized written supervisory policies and procedures and code of ethics provided
    or prepared by RCC are not a substitute for Client fully understanding the applicable investment
    adviser laws and rules. The written supervisory policies and procedures and code of ethics
    should be treated by Client as a living and breathing document that should be regularly referred
    to and updated by Client. In other words, Client should not place its written supervisory policies
    and procedures and code of ethics on a shelf and let it gather dust. Client understands that due
    to changes of investment adviser laws and rules, Client’s written supervisory policies and
    procedures or code of ethics may need to be updated. Client acknowledges that RCC is not
    responsible under this Agreement for notifying Client of changes to the investment advisor laws
    and rules, and it will be Client’s duty to update the written supervisory policies and procedures
    and code of ethics.

  3. Upon initial presentment and prior to using with a securities regulator, investment advisory
    customers or the public, Client will thoroughly review all investment advisor documents prepared
    by RCC to ensure that such documents are factually accurate and consistent with Client’s actual
    practices. Client will ensure that all documents have been fully customized to be consistent with
    Client's actual business model. Additionally, Client will ensure that proposed documents make
    full and fair disclosure of all material facts necessary for informed decision making by investors,
    especially where a possible conflict of interest is involved, irrespective of whether such disclosure
    is called for by a specific item of a regulatory document. Client will immediately advise RCC of
    any inaccuracies, omissions of material facts or inconsistencies that Client finds in such
    documents. If Client does not understand any particular disclosure or term within such
    documents, Client will immediately inform RCC. Client understands that by providing any
    document prepared by RCC to customers, securities regulators, and the general public, Client is
    acknowledging the accuracy of the information contained in all such documents prepared by RCC
    and used by Client. It will be Client’s responsibility to fully review, understand and resolve the
    deficiencies identified by RCC. RCC will not be responsible under the Compliance Service of this
    Agreement for drafting or implementing any recommendations identified during the assessments
    of the investment advisory documents and compliance program.

  4. Client will provide detailed information to RCC regarding, but not necessarily limited to,
    Client’s preferred business model, investment advisory services, fee structure, and custodian or
    money managers. Although RCC at its discretion may discuss various options or offer examples
    regarding how the Client could structure its investment advisory services, Client understands
    RCC’s Compliance Services are limited to compliance matters.

  5. Client will be responsible for designating a principal or employee of Client to serve as the
    administrator of Client’s IARD/Web CRD account. If Client desires RCC to file documents
    (approved by Client) via IARD or CRD systems, Client will authorize RCC to serve as a user
    (non-administrator) of Client’s IARD/Web CRD account.

  6. Client will be solely responsible for funding the IARD/Web CRD account.

  7. Client understands that the Compliance Services do not include RCC verifying the existence
    and/or safekeeping of the assets held by Client or a third-party custodian. The Compliance
    Services will not include RCC contacting investment advisory customers of Client.

  8. Client will designate at least one individual at Client’s firm to receive, review, and take action
    on RCC’s newsletters, blog posts on RCC’s website and other electronic notices sent by RCC via
    email or RCC’s customer portal. Client acknowledges that such notices will include important
    information that could require Client’s immediate action. RCC is not responsible for Client’s failure
    to read, understand, or respond to important notices and communications sent by RCC.

  9. Client understands that the Compliance Services do not include RCC providing any evaluation
    of the suitability or risk of asset allocations, investment and trading strategies or investment
    recommendations made by Client. The Compliance Services do not include an investigation or
    analysis of whether Client has an adequate basis for recommending/selecting an investment,
    whether the investment advisory customer is over concentrated in the investment or asset class,
    whether a customer is over-leveraged, whether the time horizon of the investment is consistent
    with the investment advisory customer’s time horizon, whether a particular investment or portfolio
    is too volatile for a customer and whether such investment is in the investment advisory
    customer’s best interest. Likewise, the Compliance Services do not include a review or analysis
    of the pre-approval or exception report systems utilized by Client to supervise the investment
    recommendations and selections made by its supervised persons. Additionally, RCC does not
    conduct due diligence of investment products, securities issuers, fund managers, other
    investment advisors, qualified custodians or other vendors utilized by Client. RCC does not
    offer investment advice.

  10. Client understands that an actual examination of Client’s investment advisor by a securities
    regulator is likely to be more staff intensive and broader in scope than the Compliance Service
    offered by RCC, and consequently, a securities regulator is highly likely to detect deficiencies and
    violations, which were not uncovered during assessment of Client’s investment advisory
    documents or compliance program as part of the Compliance Service.

  11. Client will retain legal counsel to prepare or review Client's investment advisory customer
    agreement. RCC will not provide Client with any sample investment advisory customer
    agreements and will not review any existing investment advisory customer agreements presented
    by Client.

  12. Fees paid to RCC will never cover any of the following: Client’s expense associated with
    acquiring a surety bond (if required by the Securities Regulator); the costs of registration,
    examination, licensing and user fees charged by the applicable Securities Regulators and IARD
    system; and the fees charged by other professionals, such as an accountant or lawyer, hired by

  13. To the extent that Client requests RCC to prepare and/or file the Form ADV to register or
    notice file Client’s investment adviser or the Form U4 or Form U5 to register/de-register an
    individual as an investment adviser representative of Client’s investment adviser, Client is solely
    responsible for verifying that RCC in fact prepared and filed such document with the applicable
    securities regulator. Since failure to register or notice file can result in an adverse regulatory
    enforcement proceeding, Client cannot merely rely upon RCC to prepare or file such document
    without further verification by Client that such request has been completed.

  14. It is Client’s sole responsibility to monitor whether a prospective investment adviser
    representative’s securities examination is approaching the applicable state’s expiration date and
    whether the Form U4 has been filed before such expiration date. Likewise, if Client’s investment
    adviser representative has marked on his or her Form U4 that he or she is utilizing a professional
    designation in lieu of a securities examination as the pre-requisite, Client is solely responsible for
    ensuring that such professional designation is continuously in good standing. RCC will not be
    responsible for verifying or monitoring whether a securities examination is approaching expiration
    or a professional designation for an investment adviser representative of Client is not in good

  15. Client will follow and comply with all laws and rules of the applicable securities regulators.

Section 4. Nature of Compliance Consulting Relationship

RCC is a compliance consulting and services firm. Although RCC has an affiliate that is a law firm
known as Bryan Hill Law (“BHL”) and RCC may have an individual on its staff that is also licensed
as an attorney offering legal services in a completely separate capacity and through BHL, RCC is
not a law firm or an attorney and does not provide legal services. RCC is not serving as Client’s

In general, a licensed attorney is regulated by his or her state supreme court through the use of
rules of professional conduct and ethical requirements, minimum education and examination
requirements, mandatory professional liability insurance coverage, client trust account
procedures and trust account audits and a disciplinary process. Unlike a client of an attorney, a
client of RCC will not receive the advantages of such regulatory oversight since the compliance
consultant occupation is not licensed by state government.

A compliance consulting relationship with RCC is not provided those legal and professional
protections that normally exist under an attorney-client relationship such as the following: (i)
privileged communication between an attorney and client; (ii) the requirement for an attorney to
use a client trust account for safekeeping of legal fees paid in advance by a client; (iii) the
requirement for an attorney to maintain professional liability insurance; or (iv) prohibitions
preventing an attorney from having impermissible relationships with clients, representing other
persons with conflicting interests, receiving referral fees from third-party vendors, or prospectively
limiting liability for malpractice through contractual provisions in a client agreement.
Unlike an attorney, RCC does not utilize a client trust account for the retainer or consulting fees
paid in advance by a client, does not follow trust accounting procedures (and is not supervised by
a regulator or third-party) for such retainer or consulting fees paid in advance, and either prohibits
or severely limits the circumstances and time period for refunds, and consequently this
arrangement with RCC lacks the safeguards associated with an attorney's client trust account.
Due to limitations in the software used by RCC to prepare invoices, there may be references
located on requests and/or invoices to a “trust” account; however, Client acknowledges that
despite any such references, RCC does not utilize a client trust account.
Unlike an attorney, RCC is not fiduciary. Unlike an attorney, RCC is not required to maintain
professional liability insurance. Unlike an attorney, RCC is utilizing several contractual provisions
within this Agreement in which Client waives any and all liability for certain claims and agrees to
limit the extent of RCC’s liability for malpractice for other claims. Unlike an attorney, RCC
receives referral fees from vendors participating in the Strategic Alliance Program and other
referral programs of RCC.

If RCC provides Client with comments regarding an investment advisory agreement or other
agreement, this does not constitute and should not be deemed as legal advice. Such comments
provided by RCC are not a substitute for a review, revision and approval of Client's investment
advisory agreement or other agreement by an attorney in Client's jurisdiction. Client understands
that any comments provided by RCC regarding Client's investment advisory agreement or other
agreement have not been prepared by an attorney to comply with the laws of Client's local
jurisdiction. Client acknowledges that by relying upon comments provided by RCC without local
legal counsel's review and approval, Client is undertaking the risk that Client's investment
advisory agreement or other agreement is not legally enforceable and may fail to best protect
Client's interests.

In the event that a securities regulator initiates an enforcement proceeding against Client claiming
Client violated applicable law, Client will need to retain legal counsel to represent Client before
the securities regulator. Although RCC may serve as an expert resource to Client and Client's
legal counsel regarding industry practices, RCC is not a substitute for retaining appropriate legal

There is no guarantee that consulting work performed by RCC will be favorably received by the
applicable securities regulators.

RCC strongly recommends that prior to executing this Agreement, Client should retain an
attorney, who is not affiliated with RCC, to review and provide Client with independent advice
regarding the terms of this Agreement.

Client initials:  

Section 5. Non-Exclusive Relationship with RCC

Client does not have an exclusive client relationship with RCC. RCC may have other clients
receiving services from RCC which are competitors of Client and/or include former supervised
persons of Client. RCC may also have other clients that have a business alliance, broker-dealer
or vendor relationship with Client or Client’s associated persons.

Section 6. Strategic Alliance Program & Other Referral Arrangements

RCC has established the Strategic Alliance Program and other referral arrangements whereby
RCC has agreed to publicize the services and/or products of Strategic Alliance members and
certain third-party vendors and refer or introduce such Strategic Alliance members and third-party
vendors to Client. Depending upon the third-party vendor, Client may receive discounts or
special offers from the Strategic Alliance member or third-party vendor. RCC receives
compensation from each Strategic Alliance member and third-party vendor referred or introduced
by RCC which may include an annual fixed fee and/or a percentage of the fee charged by the
third-party vendor to Client. This creates a conflict of interest for RCC and biases the objectivity
of RCC and its employees when referring, introducing, referencing or otherwise discussing such
Strategic Alliance Members and third-party vendors. Client is under no obligation to utilize the
services and/or products of Strategic Alliance members and other third-party vendors referred or
introduced to Client by RCC.

RCC is not affiliated with the Strategic Alliance members and any other third-party vendors and
does not control or supervise the services or products of the Strategic Alliance member or other
third-party vendors. Client acknowledges that RCC’s referral, introduction, discussion or other
reference to these Strategic Alliance members or third-party vendors does not mean that RCC
has performed any level of due diligence on the services or products of the Strategic Alliance
members or other third-party vendors referred or introduced by RCC. Client acknowledges and
agrees that RCC is not liable for any damages that result to Client from the actions or inactions of
a Strategic Alliance member or third-party vendor referred or introduced by RCC.

RCC is not making any recommendation to Client about whether Client should utilize the services
or products of a Strategic Alliance member or other third-party vendor. Client acknowledges that
Client’s determination to use the services or products of a Strategic Alliance member or any other
third-party vendor is an important decision and should not be based upon a third-party vendor’s
participation in the Strategic Alliance Program or referral, introduction or reference by RCC. As
with any service provider, RCC recommends that Client perform its own due diligence on each
Strategic Alliance member or third-party vendor referred or introduced by RCC. Before engaging
the services or utilizing the product of a Strategic Alliance member or third-party vendor referred
or introduced by RCC, Client agrees to perform its own independent investigation and evaluation
to make sure that the applicable service or product of the Strategic Alliance member or third-party
vendor is the best fit for Client and meets Client’s performance requirements and regulatory and
cybersecurity obligations.

Section 7. Non-Solicit of RCC Employees

Without the written consent of the president of RCC, during the term of this Agreement and for a
period of twelve months after this Agreement's termination, Client and Client's affiliates will not
engage in any of the following activities: (1) directly or indirectly solicit, contact, negotiate with, or
in any manner attempt to induce any individual, who is currently employed by RCC and
personally works or worked with Client while affiliated with RCC, to terminate his or her
employment with RCC; nor (2) hire or engage any individual, who is currently employed with RCC
and personally worked with Client while at RCC, as an employee or a compliance consultant
(outside of an engagement through RCC). Under no circumstances will this section prevent a
Client from soliciting or hiring a current or former RCC employee, who is licensed as an attorney,
to serve as the Client's attorney.

Section 8. Client's Confidential Information

In providing Compliance Services, RCC will acquire information of a confidential nature relating to
Client's business activities and its investment advisory customers. RCC hereby agrees to
maintain the confidentiality of Client's information and shall not use, publish, or otherwise disclose
any such confidential information pertaining to Client without Client’s express written consent.

If Client provides RCC with possession of any investment advisory related document, Client will
redact (blackout or remove) at least partially the legal name of each investment advisory
customer and any full or complete brokerage account numbers, bank account numbers, policy
numbers, credit card numbers, driver's license numbers, passport numbers, visa numbers, social
security numbers, tax identification numbers, passwords and dates of birth of investment advisory
customers before providing RCC with possession of such document containing this confidential
information. For example, if Client intends to provide RCC with a document which includes name
of investment advisory customer (e.g., Thomas Andrew Smith) with a full date of birth
(01/14/1973), Client will redact or black-out the investment advisory customer’s name to only
show “Smith” (or a customer number if utilized by the firm) and date of birth to only show “1973”.

RCC recognizes that Client may be subject to the provisions of the Securities and Exchange
Commission's Regulation S-P, or other privacy rules promulgated under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Act (the "GLBA"). RCC represents that it is a nonaffiliated third-party service provider that is
excepted from the notice and opt-out requirements pursuant to the GLBA.

To the extent that Client is utilizing RCC to assist with registering and/or notice filing as an
investment adviser or investment adviser representative, Client authorizes RCC to disclose, as
reasonably necessary, confidential information about Client’s business activities to the applicable
securities regulators as part of the investment advisor registration process.
Nothing in this Section will diminish or restrict RCC's right, as later described in this Agreement,
to use for the benefit of another party any materials that are the same (except for Client's name,
CRD number or associated persons' names) as or similar to the materials prepared by RCC for
Client under this Agreement.

Section 9. Not Work Made for Hire & Limited, Non-Exclusive License

RCC shall retain sole ownership of the copyright of all materials prepared by RCC under this
Agreement. After removing Client’s name, Client’s CRD number and the names of Client’s
associated persons, RCC may use the materials prepared by RCC under this Agreement for
parties or investment advisors other than Client without any limitations, restrictions or charges to
RCC. Under no circumstances shall any materials prepared by RCC pursuant to the Agreement
constitute works made for hire under copyright law. Client will execute any necessary forms or
papers that RCC considers necessary to secure RCC’s copyright with no charge to RCC.
RCC shall grant Client a limited, non-exclusive license to use the materials prepared by RCC
under this Agreement in the following manner and under only these conditions:

  • Client may make copies of the materials prepared by RCC under this Agreement if Client
    preserves RCC’s copyright notice on the copies of such materials;

  • Client may provide the above described copies of the materials prepared by RCC under this
    Agreement to Client’s existing and prospective investment advisory customers, the
    custodians of investment advisory accounts managed by Client, any broker-dealer with
    supervisory responsibility of an associated person of Client, a sub-advisor, co-advisor or
    solicitor subject to a written solicitor arrangement or investment advisor agreement with
    Client, any attorneys and accountants retained by Client, any securities regulator with
    jurisdiction over Client, filings for Client’s investment adviser through the Investment Adviser
    Registration Depository (“IARD”) system and/or as otherwise required by law;

  • Client may utilize materials previously prepared by RCC under this Agreement for the
    purpose of preparing new materials solely for Client’s investment advisor;

  • Client may not use or distribute for use the materials prepared by RCC under this Agreement
    for use or modification by any other investment advisor. Client may not sell the materials
    prepared by RCC under this Agreement. Client may not prepare new materials for any other
    investment advisor based upon the materials previously prepared by RCC under this
    Agreement; and
  • Client may not transfer, assign or sell this limited, non-exclusive license to a third-party
    (except for Client's parent, subsidiary, affiliate or successor) without RCC’s written

Section 10. Not Intended to Detect Fraud


 Client understands that RCC is not a fraud examiner and the Compliance Services provided
under this Agreement are not intended to detect or prevent fraud including but not limited to
inaccurate or false calculation or valuation of assets under management, false statements of
the Form ADV, bribery, extortion, identity theft, forgery, misrepresentation, collusion to
circumvent internal controls, selling away, unlawful sale of unregistered securities, failure to
register as an investment adviser or an investment adviser representative thereof, failure to
register as a securities broker-dealer or a registered representative thereof, Ponzi schemes,
insider trading, undisclosed outside business activities, inaccurate or false fee calculations,
a loan from an investment advisory customer, a bribe, insider trading, front running
investment advisory customer trades, cherry picking profitable trades for personal
accounts, misappropriation of limited investment opportunities owed to customers,
cybersecurity breach, identity theft, wire fraud, unauthorized disbursement, theft,
embezzlement, misappropriation or unlawful conversion by Client or Client’s owners,
directors, officers, employees, investment adviser representatives, solicitors, custodians,
third-party money managers, vendors or outside professionals.

Client initials:  

Section 11. Miscellaneous

(a) Counterparts. The parties may execute this Agreement on any number of counterparts, and
all of the counterparts taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument.

(b) Severability. If any part, term or provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, in conflict
with any law or otherwise invalid, the remaining portion or portions shall be considered severable
and not be affected by such determination, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be
construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular part, term or provision
held to be illegal or invalid.

(c) Force Majeure. In the event either party is unable to perform its obligations under the terms
of this Agreement because of acts of God (including fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, storm,
hurricane or other natural disaster), terrorism, war, cyberwar, invasion, espionage, cyber
espionage, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, strikes, equipment or transmission failure or damage
reasonably beyond its control, or other causes reasonably beyond its control, such party shall not
be liable for damages to the other party resulting from such failure to perform or otherwise from
such causes.

(d) Headings. Section and paragraph headings in this Agreement are included for convenience
only and are not to be used to construe or interpret this Agreement.

(e) Representation of Signatories. Each of the undersigned expressly warrants and represents
that they have full power and authority to sign this Agreement on behalf of the party indicated and
that their signature will bind the party indicated to the terms hereof.

Section 12. Acknowledgements, Disclosures Limitations, Requirements & Terms of
Schedules & Addendums

Client has read, understands and agrees to the acknowledgements, representations, disclosures,
limitations, requirements, and terms made by RCC to Client within the attached Exhibits,
Disclosures, Schedules and Addendums or any RCC revisions of these documents provided to

Section 13. No Third-Party Beneficiary

This Agreement and the Compliance Services provided under this Agreement are for the
exclusive benefit of Client. The materials prepared under this Agreement are not provided for the
benefit of a third-party such as a broker-dealer, custodian, or investment adviser that has a
business relationship with Client or an individual or entity who is a recipient or customer of
Client’s investment advisory services.

Section 14. Choice of Law and Venue

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of
Nebraska without giving effect to its choice of laws principles. The parties agree that all actions
and proceedings arising out of or relating directly or indirectly to this Agreement or any ancillary
agreement or any other related obligations shall be litigated solely and exclusively in the state or
federal courts located in Omaha, Nebraska.

Section 15. Client Should Independently Evaluate Whether to Hire RCC

Client understands that the determination to use a third-party compliance services provider is an
important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed
expertise. A description or indication of limitation of RCC’s Compliance Services does not mean
that an agency or board has certified RIA Compliance Consultants, Inc. as a specialist or expert
in investment advisor compliance. RCC has not been certified by an agency or board as a
specialist or expert in investment advisor compliance. Client acknowledges that RCC
recommended that Client conduct an independent investigation and evaluation of RCC prior to
executing this Agreement.

Section 16. Limitation of Liability


Exhibit A - Scope of Engagement & Compliance Services

RCC will provide investment advisor compliance services to Client during the Agreement Period
as set forth herein Exhibit A ("Compliance Services").

Client and RCC will agree mutually upon a timeline which reasonably distributes the work
associated with the Compliance Services during the term of the Agreement.

In the event Client would like to modify the Compliance Services listed in Exhibit A after execution
of this Agreement, a written request must be provided to RCC. Changes to the Compliance
Services listed are contingent upon the written agreement of both RCC and Client.

Investment Adviser Registration Services - Client, or an entity controlled by Client, (collectively
referred to as “Client”) intends to register as an investment advisor with a securities regulator in
the United States selected by Client (“Securities Regulator”), and RCC will provide Client with its
investment advisor registration service as described within this section.

Regulatory Guidance - RCC will conduct an interview of Client's principal responsible for
compliance (or designee) regarding Client's strategic goals, business model, investment advisory
services, custody of investment advisory customer accounts, number of customers and criteria for
customers, fee structure, regulatory history, and leadership and organization structure. Based on
the information disclosed by Client, RCC will prepare the regulatory documents described below
and provide guidance regarding the registration process of the Securities Regulator.

IARD Entitlement - RCC will prepare the FINRA Entitlement applications required to establish
Client's IARD/Web CRD account.

IARD Service Bureau - If approved by Client, RCC will electronically enter and file (via Client’s
IARD/Web CRD account) applicable application documents such as the Form ADV and Form U4
prepared by RCC on behalf of Client during the registration process with the Securities Regulator.

Form ADV Part 1 - RCC will prepare a Form ADV Part 1A, Part IB if applicable, Schedule A,
Schedule B, Schedule C and Schedule D in accordance with Client’s disclosures about its business
model and regulatory history and the requirements of the Securities Regulator.

Form ADV Part 2A – RCC will prepare a Form ADV Part 2A in accordance with Client's
disclosures about its personnel, business model and regulatory history and the published
requirements of the Securities Regulator.

Appendix I Wrap Fee Brochure - In the event that Client sponsors a wrap fee program, Client will
need a disclosure document pursuant to Form ADV Part 2 Appendix 1 Wrap Fee Brochure.

_____ Form ADV Part 2A Appendix I Wrap Fee Brochure Is Included under Consulting
Fee; or

_____ Form ADV Part 2A Appendix I Wrap Fee Brochure Is Not Included Under
Consulting Fee, and There Will Be An Additional Charge In Order for RCC to
Prepare Such an Additional Document.

Form ADV Part 2B - At the request of Client, RCC will prepare Form ADV Part 2B brochure
supplements for up to _______ supervised persons of Client (“Number of Form ADV Part 2B
Brochure Supplements”). In the event that Client requests RCC to prepare Form ADV Part 2B
brochure supplements for additional supervised persons beyond the Number of Form ADV Part
2B Brochure Supplements, RCC will charge an extra fee (in addition to the Consulting Fee) for
each additional supervised person. The RCC consultant will discuss and disclose the additional
fee prior to preparing additional brochure supplements. In the event that Client requests RCC to
prepare a Form ADV Part 2B supplement brochure for any supervised person, who has a “yes”
answer or adverse history on the Form U4, RCC also will charge an hourly consulting fee at the
RCC consultant’s standard hourly billing rate disclosed later in this Agreement (in addition to the
Consulting Fee described later) with a minimum charge of one hour.

Form ADV Part 3 – If applicable (i.e. serving retail investors) when applying for registration with
the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or certain state securities regulators requiring
such document, RCC will prepare one (1) investment advisory Form CRS/Form ADV Part 3
relationship summary for Client’s investment adviser firm based upon Client’s disclosures to
RCC. Client is required to study the Form ADV Part 3 instructions and then review and finalize
the draft Form ADV Part 3 for accuracy and consistency with other disclosure documents and
anticipated/actual practices. Upon Client’s written request, RCC will file the final version of Form
ADV Part 3 with the SEC via the IARD system (if Client has established RCC as user under
Client’s IARD account). To the extent that Client has any financial, criminal, disciplinary, or
regulatory disclosure filings or other adverse history (as defined below) for the Form ADV Part 3,
any assistance with drafting or consulting on such disclosures will be handled on the RCC staff
member’s standard hourly rate, as disclosed in the RCC Minimum Fixed Fee & Hourly Rate
Schedule, in addition to and separate from the Consulting Fee described below.

Registration in Other States – When applying for registration as an investment adviser with a
state securities regulator (not notice filing as an investment adviser registered with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission), based on the information that Client provides RCC about
its anticipated investment advisory customers and places of business, RCC will advise Client as
to those other states initially requiring Client to register as an investment advisor. The Consulting
Fee later described under this Agreement only covers the preparation of investment advisor
registration documents for filing in Client's home state with Securities Regulator and up to_____
other states. In the event that Client requests RCC to prepare for submission an investment
advisor application for other states which are not disclosed herein, RCC's charge is generally
$495 per additional state and includes up to two hours and thirty minutes of research and
consulting by RCC regarding the investment advisor application for such state.

Notice Filing in Other States – When applying for registration as an investment adviser with the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (not registering as an investment adviser with a state
securities regulator), based on the information that Client provides RCC about its anticipated
investment advisory customers and office locations, RCC will advise Client as to those other
states initially requiring Client to notice file as an investment advisor. RCC will prepare the notice
filing with the state securities regulator in Client’s home state and up to ______ other states. In
the event that Client requests RCC to prepare for submission a notice filing for other states which
are not disclosed, RCC's charge is generally $95 per additional state.

Form U4 – RCC will prepare the Form U4 (via Web CRD system) to register up to _______
individuals as investment advisor representatives (referred to as "IAR" or collectively "IARs") of
Client's anticipated investment advisor. RCC will verify Form U4 disclosures are consistent with
Client's Form ADV disclosures. In the event that Client requests RCC to prepare the Form U4 for
additional IARs beyond the disclosed number of IARs, RCC will also charge an extra fee (in
addition to the Consulting Fee) for the preparation of each additional Form U4. The RCC
consultant will discuss and disclose the additional fee prior to preparing additional brochure
supplements. In the event that Client requests RCC to prepare or revise any disclosure
information related to a “yes” answer or adverse history on the Form U4 or requests RCC to
prepare any additional state forms other than the Form U4 for the previously referenced
individual(s) seeking to register as an IAR(s), RCC also will charge an hourly consulting fee at the
RCC consultant’s standard hourly billing rate disclosed later in this Agreement (in addition to the
Consulting Fee described later) with a minimum charge of one hour.

IARD Funding - RCC will give guidance on the amount necessary for Client to fund the
IARD/Web CRD account to cover the registration and user fees that will initially be charged by the
IARD/Web CRD and applicable securities regulators.

Miscellaneous Registration Documents – When registering with a state securities regulator and if
applicable, RCC will notify Client of any additional miscellaneous investment advisory registration
documents as specifically required by the formal administrative rules of the Securities Regulator
that must be submitted as part of the initial registration process. When requested, RCC will
provide assistance in preparing miscellaneous state specific investment advisory registration
documents (except investment advisory agreement, balance sheet and income statement). RCC
does not provide accounting advice including whether Client’s balance sheet or Client’s income
statement are prepared in accordance with generally acceptable accounting principles or whether
Client satisfies net worth requirements.

Regulatory Assistance - RCC will assist Client in preparing Client’s written response to the
Securities Regulator regarding any questions associated with Client's investment advisor
application. To the extent that there are no claims by the Securities Regulator that Client violated
applicable law and likewise no claims by Client that the Securities Regulator has violated
applicable law, RCC will provide, upon Client’s request, assistance with answering questions or
correcting deficiencies of the investment advisor application identified by the Securities Regulator.
Client is aware that RCC is not a law firm and does not provide legal services. Client understands
RCC's consultant is not acting in the capacity of an attorney for Client when assisting Client with
respect to the Securities Regulator’s questions or required changes. Client understands further
that RCC is not serving as Client’s spokesperson, advocate or otherwise representing Client
before the Securities Regulator. Client acknowledges that Client is solely responsible for
verifying the accuracy and truthfulness of any draft documents and/or filings in which RCC
assisted Client.

Adverse History - To the extent that RCC assists with any disclosures, questions or corrects any
deficiencies identified by the Securities Regulator regarding any regulatory or professional
disciplinary history, criminal history, arbitrations and lawsuits, tax liens, bankruptcies or pending
regulatory inquiries or proceedings of Client or Client's associated persons for purposes of the
Form ADV and/or Form U4 (“adverse history”), RCC also will charge an hourly consulting fee at
the RCC consultant’s standard hourly billing rate disclosed later in this Agreement (in addition to
the Consulting Fee described later) with a minimum charge of one hour.

120-day Update Amendment Filing – When applying for registration with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission and if applicable, RCC will notify Client of due date for filing the
amendment to report that Client has reached or exceeded $100 million in regulatory AUM. Upon
notice from Client, RCC will prepare the 120-day amendment filing based on information provided
by Client.

Customized Compliance Manual & Code of Ethics - RCC will prepare written compliance manual
and code of ethics as it relates to the topics listed below and Client's disclosed business model
and preferred practices. Depending upon the investment advisor requirements of the Securities
Regulator and Client’s disclosed business model and preferred practices, the compliance manual
and code of ethics will address the following topics: registration and notice filing requirements
including representative licensing; investment advisory customer communications (advertising
and correspondence);social media and networking websites; best execution; books and records;
business continuity and disaster recovery; code of ethics; personal securities transaction and
holding reports; investment advisory customer complaints; custody; investment advisory
customer directed brokerage; trading practices including soft dollar arrangements; solicitor
arrangements; privacy of investment advisory customer information; Form ADV disclosures and
annual offer; insider trading; proxy voting; political contributions; handling whistleblower
complaints; Schedule 13D, 13F, & 13G filings; and foreign customers. Upon presentation of the
initial draft of the compliance manual and code of ethics to Client, RCC will be available for a one-
hour consultation to address any questions or revisions requested by Client. This one-hour is
included and not in addition to the Budgeted Hours. If Client requires assistance beyond the one hour consultation, such services will be provided at the RCC consultant’s standard hourly billing
rate referenced in this Agreement.

Sample Forms - In addition to the compliance manual and code of ethics, RCC will offer Client
certain sample forms to assist Client in performing various compliance duties. The sample forms
are not customized to Client. At a minimum, the following sample forms will be offered to Client:
annual compliance calendar checklist, books and records documentation log, suggested list of
compliance files and reports, code of ethics acknowledgement form, compliance manual
acknowledgement form, sample customer privacy policy notice, and customer privacy notice
request / receipt log. Client will be responsible for customizing and implementing any such
sample forms to the requirements of and in accordance with Client’s compliance manual and
code of ethics.

RCC offers no promise nor guarantee that Securities Regulator will approve Client’s application
to register as an investment adviser or the application(s) of Client’s supervised person(s) to
register as investment adviser representative(s).


Exhibit B – Fees & Terms
Consulting Fee

RCC will provide up to _____ hours of work by its consultants ("Budgeted Hours") to complete the
Compliance Services described above in exchange for a fixed fee of $________ ("Consulting
Fee"), which is required to be paid in advance prior to RCC commencing any consulting work
under this Agreement. The Consulting Fee is based upon representations made by Client about
the investment adviser registration (e.g., number of sates, number of investment adviser
representatives, disciplinary/legal history or services) which has been confirmed in Schedule 3.
To the extent that this information changes, RCC reserves the right to adjust the Consulting Fee.

In the event that RCC exceeds the Budgeted Hours, RCC may require Client to pay a retainer in
advance (“subsequent retainer amount”) and will charge Client an hourly fee at the RCC
consultant’s standard hourly billing rate in accordance with Minimum Fixed and Hourly Fee
Schedule. Any subsequent retainer amount paid by Client after the Consulting Fee is nonrefundable and must be utilized for consulting services of RCC within 12 months of such
payment; subsequent retainer amount will not be available to apply against the fees of RCC after
12 months from payment of such subsequent retainer amount.

Upon RCC’s initial presentment of the Form ADV Part 1A, Part 1B if applicable, Part 2A, Part 3 if
applicable and/or Appendix I if applicable to Client, seventy-five percent (75%) of the Consulting
Fee paid in advance will be considered earned by RCC, ten percent (10%) of the Consulting Fee
will be considered earned upon initial presentment of the Form U4(s), or equivalent if required,
and Form ADV Part 2B supplement brochure for each IAR identified in this Agreement, and
fifteen percent (15%) will be considered earned by RCC upon presentment of the initial
presentment of the WSP/CoE.

Adverse History


Based on disclosures previously provided by Client to RCC regarding an adverse history for
purposes of the Form U4 and/or Form ADV, Client will submit an additional retainer fee of
$________ (“Adverse History Retainer”) for the hourly consulting services as explained in the
Adverse History section in Exhibit A. This Adverse History Retainer is based upon an estimate of
the amount of time that will be involved in discussing, researching and preparing any disclosure
information related to the adverse history disclosed by Client to RCC. Additional fees may be due
based on the actual time spent by the RCC consultant discussing, researching and preparing the
potential or actual disclosure information related to Client’s Adverse History. Prior to RCC
commencing any consulting work under this Agreement, the Adverse History Retainer is required
to be paid in advance and in addition to the Consulting Fee previously described in this
Agreement. The Adverse History Retainer is non-refundable (even if the hourly consulting related
to the adverse history does not exhaust the Adverse History Retainer) and must be utilized for
consulting services of RCC within 12 months of such payment.


Client will pay in advance to RCC the amount of $_________, which is the Consulting Fee plus
Adverse History Retainer, as an initial retainer prior to RCC commencing any consulting work
under this Agreement.

Retainer payments (including the advance payment of the Consulting Fee or additional hourly
consulting for adverse history) made to RCC are not held in a client trust account. Retainer
payments made to RCC are not maintained in a separate account for the benefit of Client. A
retainer payment is a general asset of RCC upon RCC’s receipt of such retainer payment.

Term of Engagement

The Registration Service provided by RCC under this Agreement will be considered concluded
upon the soonest of any one of the following events: (a) Client’s written approval; (b) the
Securities Regulator’s written or electronic (via the IARD system) approval of Client’s application
as an investment advisor; (c) the Securities Regulator’s verbal or written denial or indefinite
postponement of the Client’s application as an investment advisor; and/or (d) if Client does not
submit a registration filing with Securities Regulator, 90 days following the initial presentment of
all the investment advisor registration documents (unless otherwise agreed upon in writing).
Written supervisory procedures and code of ethics services (“WSP/CoE Service”) will be
considered concluded upon presentment of initial WSP/CoE.

Either Client or RCC may initiate early termination of the Registration Service provided under this
Agreement before completion of all the Registration Service by giving the other party written
notice of such termination.

In the event that Client initiates early termination of the Registration Service (within 12 months of
the execution of this Agreement) before RCC commences any work for Client, RCC will refund
the consulting fees paid in advance less an early termination fee of $495 (“Early Termination
Fee”) and any charge incurred by RCC for processing the original credit card transaction
(“administrative charge”). Such refund will be paid to Client within 30 days of receiving Client’s
written notice of early termination.

In the event that Client initiates early termination of the Registration Service under this Agreement
after RCC commenced work for Client and prior to RCC’s actual presentment of the Form ADV
and Form U4 or WSP/CoE, RCC is entitled to deduct from the advance payment of consulting
fees an amount equal to the RCC consultant’s standard hourly billing rate previously disclosed for
each hour of work by RCC pursuant to this Agreement. The remainder, if any, of the advance
payment less the Early Termination Fee and any administrative charge originally paid for using a
credit card will be refunded by RCC to Client. Such refund will be paid by RCC to Client within 30
days of receiving Client’s written notice of early termination.

In the event either party initiates in writing early termination of the Registration Service under this
Agreement after RCC has presented Client with the Form ADV, the Form U4, and/or the
WSP/CoE, RCC is entitled to deduct from the advance payment an amount equal to the
percentage of the Consulting Fee specified above in the Payment Terms Section for such
document. If RCC provided any other services pursuant to Payment Terms Section of this
Agreement, Client authorizes RCC to deduct such amount from the Consulting Fee or other
consulting fees paid in advance. The remainder, if any, of the advance payment of any
consulting fees less any administrative charge originally paid for using a credit card will be
refunded by RCC to Client if early termination is requested within the 12 months of the execution
of this Agreement. Such early termination refund will be paid by RCC to Client within 30 days of
receiving Client’s written notice. Client will pay in full RCC within 30 days of receiving a final
invoice of any and all consulting fees due under the Payment Terms Section that are still
outstanding after the above described deductions of the consulting fees paid in advance.

If Client either through action or inaction does not review an investment advisor registration
document, fails to submit a filing, delays a filing, postpones a filing, or withdraws a filing as an
investment advisor application after RCC has presented investment advisor documents (e.g. the
Form ADV, Form U4 and WSP/CoE), this will not be deemed as an early termination and Client
will not be entitled to a refund or write-off of any portion of the Consulting Fees under such

If the Securities Regulator delays Client’s approval as an investment advisor, such action will not
be deemed as an early termination. Client will not be entitled to a refund or write-off of any
portion of the Consulting Fees as a result of the Securities Regulator’s denial of Client’s
investment advisor application or a delay of the approval of Client’s investment advisor

If Client does not commence the investment advisor registration application process within 12
months of the execution of this Agreement and does not initiate in writing an early termination of
the Registration Services and refund request within such 12 month period, the Registration
Services will cease and the Consulting Fee will be treated as earned by RCC.

Payment via Credit Card

RCC can accept payment via credit card or ACH withdrawal. Client agrees that if Client has a
dispute with RCC, Client will not raise this dispute with Client's credit card company/ACH
processor or seek adjudication of any dispute with RCC through or by Client's credit card
company/ACH processor. Client agrees that if Client pays the consulting fees via credit card or
ACH, Client will not instruct Client's credit card company, ACH processor or bank to reverse such
charges. If Client cancels the credit card or bank account on file with RCC or the credit card on file
expires during the duration of the Agreement and subsequent payments are still due, Client will
provide RCC with another valid credit card or bank account to use for payment of the Consulting

Invoice Delivery

RCC will deliver the invoice electronically to Client, and Client will be responsible for paying the
outstanding amount, if any, within 30 days of presentment of invoice.



The following are important disclosures by RCC and limitations related to the service provided by RIA Compliance Consultants, Inc. (“RCC”) and acknowledgements and representations by Client under this Agreement.

  1. No Guarantees. RCC will make every reasonable effort to provide the services described in this Agreement. However, there is no guarantee that consulting work performed by RCC will be favorably received by the Securities Regulator.  Although RCC may assist Client in disclosing an investment advisory program and fee, RCC does not offer any guarantee that such disclosure regarding a program/fee will be approved by the securities regulator.  Likewise, RCC offers no assurances that RCC will identify the same issues, concerns, deficiencies or violations raised by the Securities Regulator.  Finally, Client acknowledges that there may be new business models and/or practices utilized by Client which have not been scrutinized by the Securities Regulator in the past and subject to published guidance or enforcement actions, and RCC is not offering any guarantees or assurances that it will identify the investment adviser compliance issues associated with such new business models and practices utilized by Client.   
  2. Not Serving as CCO or Supervisor. RCC will not serve as Client’s chief compliance officer.  RCC’s role is strictly in an advisory only capacity.  RCC will not be responsible for the supervision of Client or its associated persons.  Client and Client’s chief compliance officer may not delegate, assign nor outsource any supervision task or duty to RCC.  Under no circumstances will RCC serve as the primary reviewer of, but not necessarily limited to, the personal securities transactions of Client’s supervised and/or access persons, the Client’s email and other written correspondence with its clients, the Client’s advertising and marketing materials, and the Client or its associated persons outside business activity requests.  To the extent RCC reviews any such materials, RCC will provide its comments and recommendations to the Client’s chief compliance officer or his/her designee.  To the extent that Client has requested a review and/or comments from RCC and Client does not receive any comments from RCC, it will be solely Client’s responsibility to check with RCC regarding the status of any review and comments.  RCC’s review and/or comments should not be considered by Client to be an approval or denial of the issue nor a substitute for an actual review by Client’s chief compliance officer and/or his/her designee within the firm.  Client’s chief compliance officer or his/her designee within the firm is solely responsible for resolving any issues related to RCC’s comments, following up with RCC if necessary, implementing RCC’s recommendations (if Client so desires) and maintaining the final approval or denial of such materials and retain all records associated with such reviews (including RCC’s comments should Client choose to retain RCC’s comments) for Client’s files.  RCC will not necessarily identify all of the issues, concerns, deficiencies or violations that might be raised by the Securities Regulator.      
  3. Not Incorporating/Forming Entity. RCC does not assist with establishing or maintaining organizational entities such as a corporation, limited liability company, general partnership and limited partnership.  RCC recommends Client discuss such matters with its attorney and accountant.
  4. Not an Accounting Firm. Since RCC is not an accounting firm or a CPA and does not provide accounting or tax advice, RCC will not prepare any of the financial statements that may be required by a securities regulator.  RCC does not compile, prepare, certify or audit financial statements.  RCC does not advise Client nor verify whether Client is meeting applicable net capital requirements or whether Client is in a precarious financial condition.  RCC does not conduct audits for the purpose of meeting state or SEC custody requirements of investment advisors.  Nor will any work performed by RCC consist of a review of the internal controls of the Client in accordance with AICPA Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70, or any other authoritative literature.  RCC does not perform forensic accounting for purposes of detecting fraud by Client or Client’s owners, directors, officers, employees, investment adviser representatives, custodians, third-party money managers, vendors or outside professionals. RCC does not calculate or verify investment performance of Client or any third-party investment advisors or investments.
  5. Net Capital Requirements. If Client is a state registered investment adviser, Client acknowledges that (a) the state may have a net capital requirement for investment adviser and require Client to maintain continuously such net capital and submit (initially and annually) financial statements to the state, and (b) it is Client’s obligation to check with the state as to the state’s net capital requirements and submit such financial statements as required by the state regulator.  If Client is an SEC registered investment adviser, Client acknowledges that Client has an obligation to disclose promptly to its investment advisory clients if Client has a precarious financial condition.  Client agrees to retain an accountant if Client has questions regarding net capital requirements or whether Client is in a precarious financial condition.
  6. Adversarial Proceeding. RCC is not a law firm and will not represent Client at an administrative hearing or other legal proceeding.  RCC recommends that Client immediately retain legal counsel to advise and represent Client’s interest regarding any potential, impending or current administrative or legal proceeding. 
  7. Insurance Regulations. RCC does not provide advice regarding insurance regulations or insurance licensing.  To the extent that Client or its investment adviser representative refund financial planning fees or other investment advisory fees if insurance or an annuity is purchased through Client or its investment adviser representative, Client will be solely responsible for checking with the applicable state insurance regulator to determine whether this is considered a prohibited activity of rebating an insurance/annuity policy. 
  8. Private Equity. To the extent that Client or its affiliate advises or manages a private equity fund, (i) the Services of RCC under this Agreement do not include evaluating whether the allocation of fees and expenses between the private equity fund and its investors has been properly and sufficiently disclosed to the fund or investors of the fund, and (ii) Client acknowledges its fiduciary responsibility to fully disclose to investors in the fund the fees and expenses paid by the funds and the method and manner in which Client allocates fees and expenses between Client, the fund, the portfolio companies of the fund, and/or the fund’s investors.
  9. Investment Advice. RCC is not an investment adviser and does not provide investment advice.  RCC does not evaluate the suitability of or risks associated with Client’s investment advice or investment management provided to its investment advisory customer.  RCC is not responsible for providing advice as to whether Client is acting in the best interests of any particular investment advisory customer.  RCC is not a benchmarking service and does not determine whether Client’s fees are reasonable.  RCC does not provide due diligence services.  RCC does not evaluate the investment performance of or risks posed by a particular security, sub-advisor, third-party money manager or investment platform. 
  10. Registration. The Compliance Service under this Agreement does not include an analysis or opinion of whether Client is exempted from registration as an investment advisor, broker-dealer, or investment company, whether a supervised person of Client is exempted from registration as an investment adviser representative, whether an employee of a parent company is required to register as an investment adviser representative and/or whether the owner (including indirect owner) of Client’s investment adviser firm is exempted from registration as an investment adviser representative.  If Client desire an opinion of whether registration is required, Client should retain legal counsel.    

Client acknowledges that state securities regulators typically require an individual who is a direct or indirect owner of a state registered investment adviser firm to register as an investment adviser representative, and RCC cannot offer any assurances that the owner of Client’s state registered investment adviser firm will not be subject to such requirements.

If Client is a state registered investment adviser, Client acknowledges that (a) the state may require Client to submit annually certain documents directly to the state securities regulator (outside of the IARD/CRD system), (b) it is Client’s obligation to check with the state securities regulator as to whether there are any documents required to be submitted (outside of the IARD/CRD system) to the state securities regulator on an annual basis and also to carefully review any communication from the state regulator with respect to such annual submissions outside of the IARD/CRD system, and (c) Client will be responsible solely for the submission of such documents as required by the state securities regulator.

Client acknowledges that certain solicitor activities on behalf of a private fund and/or private fund manager may constitute acting as a broker-dealer under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended depending upon the facts.  Client further acknowledges such analysis and advice regarding this issue is outside the scope of the Compliance Services under this Agreement, and to the extent that Client provides solicitor services to a private fund or utilizes solicitors for a private fund, Client agrees to retain legal counsel to provide advice to Client regarding the broker-dealer registration requirements.

  1. Broker-Dealer Regulations. Unless agreed upon otherwise in writing by RCC’s president, RCC does not provide advice regarding federal and state laws and regulations and self-regulatory organization (e.g. FINRA) rules for broker-dealers and registered representatives/securities agents of broker-dealers.
  2. Security. RCC does not provide advice regarding whether a financial product constitutes a “security” under state or federal law or can be exempted from registration.  RCC does not prepare securities offering documents such as a prospectus or private placement memorandum.  RCC does not provide advice regarding the distribution of security products under state and federal securities laws.
  3. ICA ’40. Unless agreed upon otherwise in writing by RCC’s president, RCC does not provide advice or compliance consulting regarding the regulations under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
  4. Fiduciary Duty. Client understands that an investment advisor has a fiduciary duty to its clients.  In general terms, an investment advisor has an affirmative duty of utmost good faith to act solely in the best interests of the client and to make full and fair disclosures of all material facts. The parameters of an investment adviser's duty depend upon the scope of the advisory relationship and generally are considered to include the following among others:
  • Having a reasonable, independent basis for investment advice;
  • Providing only investment advice that is suitable to each individual client’s needs, goals and objectives, and personal circumstances;
  • Exercising reasonable care to avoid misleading clients;
  • Being loyal to the client and acting in good faith;
  • Obtaining best execution when implementing the client’s transactions where the investment adviser representative has the ability to direct brokerage transactions for the client;
  • Making full and fair disclosure to the client of all material facts and when a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists and taking reasonable measures to mitigate such conflict of interest;
  • Place the interests of clients first;
  • Treat all clients fairly; and
  • Maintain the confidentiality of client information.

Client understands that if Client provides investment advisory services through an investment adviser representative who is also an insurance agent and/or registered representative of a broker-dealer and such investment adviser representative discusses advisory, broker-dealer and insurance services and products in combined fashion at a single meeting (depending upon the facts and circumstances), there is a risk that an investment advisory client or a securities regulator may try to hold Client and/or such investment adviser representative as a fiduciary as it relates to these other non-advisory capacities (e.g., insurance, broker-dealer).  Client acknowledges that the services of RCC do not include providing compliance advice as to Client about how to provide such non-advisory services or products in accordance with any fiduciary duty or applicable standard of care.  

  1. Custody. The services under this Agreement do not include verifying existence and/or safekeeping of the assets held by Client or a third-party custodian.
  2. Exam by Securities Regulator. Client understands that an actual examination of Client’s investment advisor by a securities regulator is likely to be more staff intensive and broader in scope than the service offered by RCC or alternatively much more focused and deeper than the services offered by RCC, and consequently, a securities regulator is likely to detect deficiencies, which were not uncovered during services provided by RCC (e.g., an assessment of Client’s investment advisory documents or compliance program) as part of the services under this Agreement.  The services under this Agreement do not replicate an actual routine, focused, sweep or for cause investment advisor examination by Securities Regulator.  An on-site examination by a securities regulator could last from three days to several weeks.  It is common for the securities regulator to utilize several staff members for a routine on-site examination, and these staff members may have extensive expertise in accounting, operations, and investment and trading strategies, which are areas that are not covered by RCC when providing services under this Agreement.  Furthermore, a securities regulator may devote an unlimited number of hours to a routine examination of Client.  
  3. Forensic Testing. Client understands that RCC does not conduct forensic testing as part of the services under this Agreement, and RCC relies upon self-disclosures and representations made by Client’s investment adviser representatives, staff and officers without independent or additional verification.  Unlike the typical practices of securities regulator during an investment advisor examination, RCC will accept sample documents provided by Client’s investment adviser representatives, staff or officers in lieu of actual documents gathered by RCC or retrieved from third parties.
  4. Suitability/Due Diligence. The Compliance Service does not include any evaluation of the suitability of asset allocations, investment and trading strategies or investment recommendations made by Client.  Additionally, RCC does not conduct due diligence of investment products, securities issuers, fund managers, or other investment advisers utilized by Client.  RCC does not offer investment advice.   
  5. Disclosure Language Provided by Third Parties. To the extent that a third-party (e.g., qualified custodian, wrap sponsor, TAMP sponsor, outside money manager, sub-adviser, independent broker-dealer of the Client’s IARs, or vendor) provides sample disclosure language or edits for Client’s Form ADV, RCC is not responsible for verifying the accuracy of such disclosure language/edits and may rely upon such sample disclosures/edits from the third-party without further investigation/review.  RCC does not monitor updates to the Form ADV sample language of third parties, and the services under this Agreement do not include RCC informing Client of any subsequent updates, changes or other developments related to a third-party’s Form ADV sample disclosure language.  Client acknowledges that it is solely Client’s responsibility to review (and revise as necessary) such sample disclosure language/edits from a third-party for accuracy and consistency with Client’s actual business practices.  Likewise, Client is solely responsible for contacting the third-party on a periodic basis to make sure there is no update in the third-party’s sample disclosure language for Client’s Form ADV.    
  6. Accuracy of Info Provided to RCC. Client recognizes the value and usefulness of the services of RCC are dependent upon the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by Client to RCC. Client will provide RCC with all requested information and documents that RCC may request. As it relates to the issues raised by Client, Client will affirmatively disclose to RCC (without RCC making a specific request) the following: (a) any deficiencies or violations (known to Client or Client’s executives, staff or investment adviser representatives) of Client’s code of ethics or supervisory procedures and policies; (b) any deficiencies or violations (known to Client or Client’s executives, staff or investment adviser representatives) of applicable rules, regulations or laws; (c) any current or prior inquiries or investigations by Client regarding violations of Client’s code of ethics or supervisory procedures and policies, any rules, regulations and laws, or industry practices; (d) any current or prior customer disputes, arbitrations or lawsuits related to Client or Client’s executives, staff or investment adviser representatives; (d) any advice obtained by Client from a third-party compliance consultant or legal counsel that is inconsistent with RCC’s recommendations; (e) any regulatory or criminal inquires, investigations or proceedings regarding Client or Client’s owners, directors, officers, employees, investment adviser representatives, custodians, third-party money managers or vendors; and (f) any known allegation of fraud or suspected fraud committed by Client or a current or former executive, staff member or investment adviser representative of Client.  Since RCC will rely upon Client and Client’s executives, staff and/or investment adviser representatives to discharge the foregoing responsibilities, Client holds harmless and indemnifies RCC, its owners, officers and employees from all claims, liabilities, losses, and costs arising in circumstances where there has been a misrepresentation or omission by an executive, staff or investment adviser representative of Client that has caused, in any respect, RCC’s breach of contract or negligence. This provision will survive termination of this Agreement.   

RCC will not be responsible for the verification of the information and documentation provided by Client.  RCC will not be responsible for verifying the accuracy or truthfulness of any information, document or statements provided by the owners, directors, officers, employees, investment adviser representatives, custodians, third-party money managers, vendors or outside professionals (such as attorneys and accountants) of Client. RCC will not be responsible for verifying statements in the Form ADV are accurate and truthful.  Client will be solely responsible for verify the accuracy and truthfulness of all documents prepared by RCC on Client’s behalf.

Client acknowledges that Client is solely responsible for both (a) identifying and bringing to RCC’s attention Client’s business practices and outside business activities which are in conflict with an investment advisory client’s interest and/or Client’s fiduciary duty and (b) then verifying that any such conflicts have been eliminated or disclosed and mitigated and that Client is meeting its fiduciary duty.  RCC offers no assurances that RCC will identify revenue streams, business practices, arrangements and/or outside business activities which are in conflict with an investment advisory client’s interest or otherwise a breach of Client’s fiduciary duty; moreover, due to the nature of a consulting relationship, RCC anticipates that depending upon the circumstances, there will be some conflicts of interest and/or breaches of fiduciary duty which RCC does not identify to Client.  RCC is not a substitute for Client and Client’s directors, officers, managers, employees and representatives from regularly and carefully reviewing Client and its affiliate’s sources of revenue, business practices, arrangements and outside business activities for purposes of identifying conflicts of interest and breaches of fiduciary duty.      

  1. Continuously Review/Update Form ADV & Verify Its Truthfulness – Client’s Responsibility. Client acknowledges that the Form ADV is essentially a “living and breathing” document which needs to be reviewed regularly and personally by Client’s management and continuously updated by Client as personnel, services, fees, vendor relationship and business practices change and certain events take place.  Client is aware that a securities regulator will hold Client accountable for the accuracy, truthfulness, timeliness and completeness of the descriptions and disclosures in Client’s Form ADV documents.  RCC will not be responsible for verifying the accuracy or truthfulness of any information, descriptions or disclosures on the Form ADV.  Client will be solely responsible for verifying the accuracy and truthfulness of all draft and final versions of the Form ADV documents prepared or filed by RCC on behalf of Client.  Client will verify all draft and final versions of the Form ADV are consistent with Client’s actual business practices and arrangements.  Client will review promptly all draft and final versions of the Form ADV documents prepared or filed by RCC and immediately advise RCC in writing of any inaccuracies related to such documents.  Client agrees to read the Securities Regulator’s separate questions and underlying instructions/guidance of each item when reviewing the Form ADV, and Client acknowledges that failure by Client to read such separate instructions of the Securities Regulator when reviewing an answer or disclosure language on the Form ADV could result in inaccurate or material omissions to the Form ADV.  Client will regularly re-review Client’s Form ADV to verify that it is still an accurate description of Client’s services and thoroughly discloses any conflicts of interest and all forms of compensation received by Client and its related persons.
  2. Implementing RCC Recommendations. RCC will not be responsible for verifying whether Client implemented any recommendation made by RCC to Client. To the extent that Client requested RCC review a document and/or provide guidance on a topic and Client has not received such review and/or guidance from RCC, Client will be solely responsible for following up with RCC in writing regarding the status of such review or guidance.
  3. Contrary Compliance Advice. If Client receives research, analysis, advice or opinion from a regulator, internal legal or compliance department and/or third-party compliance consultant, attorney or compliance department of a broker-dealer/qualified custodian/sub-adviser/outside money manager/vendor (collectively referred to as “third-party compliance professional”) regarding the same or a similar question, issue or topic in which RCC also provided Client with research, analysis, advice or opinion and such third-party compliance professional made comments or provided advice, recommendations or conclusions that differ from RCC, Client will disclose promptly the content and details of such third-party compliance professional’s research, analysis, advice or opinion to RCC in order for RCC to determine whether RCC needs to clarify its guidance.  RCC does not guarantee that it will identify all potential compliance issues related to certain questions, issues or topics, and failure by Client to share the above information from a third-party compliance professional prevents RCC from identifying potential blind spots and helping Client address potential issues or risks.
  4. Non-Solicit/Employment Law. RCC does not provide advice or guidance (and Client will not rely upon RCC under any circumstances) regarding whether Client or Client’s associates are violating any legal obligation (e.g., non-compete, non-solicit of clients, duty of loyalty, privacy policy, confidentiality agreement, trade secrets and/or unapproved outside business activity) to a current or former employer, investment adviser firm or broker-dealer.  RCC strongly recommends that Client and Client’s associates retain local legal counsel to advise Client and Client’s associates regarding any such legal obligations to a current or former employer, investment adviser firm or broker-dealer.
  5. Not Cybersecurity Expert. RCC is not an expert in information technology (“IT”) or information security. Employees of RCC are not trained or certified in IT or information security.  Client understands that RCC’s compliance consultants are not information security consultants but merely lay people with no technical expertise in IT or information security.  RCC does not provide information security risk assessments, audits of information security plans or penetration testing of Client’s systems.  RCC and its Services are not a substitute for retaining an information security or IT consultant to identify cybersecurity risks and advise and assist Client with Client’s information security plan and practices.
  6. Client Must Be Pro-Active. Client is responsible for staying current on regulatory developments.  In order to stay current on such regulatory developments, Client should subscribe to (and buy if not part of the Service’s under this Agreement) and review each month RCC’s newsletter, latest sample forms/compliance manual sections and monthly module for RCC’s compliance review tool and attend RCC’s monthly compliance webinars and annual compliance conference.  However, Client understands that RCC’s Services under this Agreement do not include monitoring and reporting on latest regulatory developments.  As a result, Client should monitor directly announcements of new rules, risk alerts, examination priorities and enforcement actions made by the securities regulators with jurisdiction over Client’s investment advisory activities; RCC recommends Client sign-up for the applicable securities regulator’s newsletters and regularly visit (each quarter) the website of the securities regulator for new regulatory developments, and Client should ensure that Client’s email addresses listed on the Form ADV Part 1 are current and that the securities regulator’s email address has been added to the white list of the Client’s email provider.   Client agrees that Client will carefully and promptly review all communications from a regulator and Client understands that to the extent that RCC reports a regulatory development to Client, such reporting is not comprehensive of all regulatory developments.  Client is aware that RCC will not contact Client regarding every new regulatory development.  Client is solely responsible for identifying those topics, issues or questions that it desires assistance or advice from RCC. 

Client understands that RCC does not serve as a supervisory principal, the compliance department or the chief compliance officer of Client.  Client’s compliance with applicable laws and rules for an investment adviser is not being outsourced to RCC under this Agreement.   In order to meet Client’s regulatory obligations, Client’s executive officers and staff must devote significant time and focus to compliance each week and be actively involved in Client’s compliance program.  Client’s executive officers and staff are solely responsible under this Agreement for whether Client is meeting its regulatory obligations. 

  1. Client Not Affiliated with Anyone Barred from Securities Industry.  Client represents and warrants at the time this Agreement is executed and during the term of this Agreement the following:  (a) Client’s investment adviser firm is not owned (in part or whole) directly or indirectly or otherwise controlled by any individual that is barred currently from the securities industry by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, a state securities regulator in the U.S., or a securities regulator in a foreign jurisdiction; (b) the directors, officers and owners (including indirect owners of a holding company or trust) of Client’s investment adviser do not have a spouse, parent or adult child who is barred currently from the securities industry by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, a state securities regulator in the U.S., or a securities regulator in a foreign jurisdiction; (c) Client’s investment adviser firm does not have any directors, officers, employees, investment adviser representatives, independent contractors or other arrangements with any individuals who are barred currently from the securities industry by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, a state securities regulator in the U.S., or a securities regulator in a foreign jurisdiction.
  2. Conflicts of Interest. Client acknowledges and understands that a conflict of interest is a scenario where a person or firm has an incentive to serve one interest at the expense of another interest or obligation; in other words, a conflict of interest could be (a) serving the interest of the investment adviser firm over the client, (b) serving the interest of one client over another client, or (c) an employee or group of employees serving their own interests over the firm or its clients. 

Furthermore, Client acknowledges that Client as an investment adviser has a fiduciary duty to eliminate conflicts of interest and prevent an investment adviser from taking unfair advantages of a client.  If a policy or practice, internal or external business relationship/arrangement or outside business activity creates a conflict of interest, Client is fully aware that Client must make full and fair disclosure of all material facts and mitigate the conflict of interest, and Client must act in client’s best interest at all times.

Client understands that a securities regulator is not approving or offering an opinion of specific conflict of interest disclosure language and mitigation measures in the Form ADV when Client’s application to register as an investment adviser is approved by the securities regulator, and a previous examination by a securities regulator with no applicable findings does not mean that the securities regulator has approved of the specific conflict of interest disclosure language or mitigation measures in Client’s Form ADV.  Client acknowledges that regulatory focus and priorities change over time and whether a securities regulator views a conflict of interest as especially problematic for an investment adviser can change from year to year.  Likewise, a securities regulator’s expectation of acceptable disclosures/mitigations by an investment adviser also can change from time to time.  Due to this ever-changing environment, Client should regularly review and re-review its business practices for conflicts of interest on a regular basis and any conflict of interest disclosure language and mitigation measures in light of the most recent regulatory developments. 

Although RCC may assist Client with identifying conflicts of interest, RCC does not take responsibility for identifying, disclosing and mitigating conflicts of interest.  Regardless of any assistance or advice provided by RCC, Client is solely responsible for identifying conflicts of interest and disclosing/mitigating such conflicts and correspondingly re-reviewing its policies/practices, business relationships/arrangements and outside business activities for conflicts of interest. 

RCC strongly recommends that Client make every attempt to avoid and prohibit any internal policy, procedure or practice, internal or external business relationship/arrangement with an affiliate or third-party or outside business activity of supervised persons which creates a conflict of interest.  Client acknowledges that it is solely Client's responsibility to identify and determine whether to avoid/prohibit a particular conflict of interest.  To the extent Client does not avoid/prohibit the policy, procedure, practice, relationship/arrangement or outside business activity creating the conflict of interest, Client acknowledges that an investment adviser firm must explicitly disclose, in writing, all conflicts of interest using robust and reasonable disclosure language that the investment adviser firm's investment advisory clients will fully and sufficiently understand in a clear and concise manner, and Client must also disclose its policies and procedures to control for and mitigate the conflicts of interest so Client is able to evidence that it is acting in the investment advisory client's best interest.  Any assistance or advice provided by RCC regarding the identification of a conflict of interest, the drafting of disclosure language/mitigation procedures of a conflict, or the assessing/testing of such disclosure/mitigation of a conflict is not a recommendation, endorsement or safe harbor by RCC that Client should engage in such conflict of interest.  RCC offers no assurance that any advice, draft language or procedure or assessment/test provided by RCC with respect to a conflict of interest will be effective and meet the expectations of a securities regulator. In the opinion of RCC, the most prudent practice is for Client to avoid and prohibit any policy/procedure, internal or external business relationship/arrangement with affiliates or third-parties or outside business activity which creates a conflict of interest.  


Client Initials: 




Annual Compliance Program Packages

To the extent that Client is currently subscribed to a standard (non-customized) Annual Compliance Program package of RIA Compliance Consultants, Inc. (“RCC”), the following is the monthly rate for the packages listed below which will be effective upon the renewal date of the Annual Compliance Program:

  • Value Package is $200 per month for 12 months;
  • Bronze Package is $240 per month for 12 months;
  • Silver Package is $295 per month for 12 months;
  • Gold Package (with 5 budgeted consulting hours) is $525 per month for 12 months; and
  • Gold Package (with 10 budgeted consulting hours) is $630 per month for 12 months.

RCC reserves the right to change the annual fee by giving Client 30 days’ notice prior to the renewal date of the Annual Compliance Program.

Sample Forms

To the extent that Client requests a sample form available on RCC’s Online Store for Compliance Tools and Services or requests RCC customize such a sample form, RCC may charge Client the current published price for the sample form (if not available to Client under Client’s current Annual Compliance Program subscription) plus the additional hourly work by RCC’s staff to discuss such form with Client and customize the sample form to Client’s specifications and/or requirements. 

Hourly Rates

To the extent that Client is subject to an hourly fee arrangement or has exceeded budgeted consulting hours (or is outside the scope of services) under a fixed fee arrangement and is currently subject to an hourly fee arrangement with RCC, the following are the current hourly rates of RCC’s staff billed in five-minute increments:

  • President of RCC (i.e., Bryan Hill) is $350 per hour;
  • Senior Compliance Consultant of RCC is $265 to $300 per hour depending upon the particular Senior Compliance Consultant (e.g., Jarrod James is $295 per hour, Tom Zielinski, Teresa O’Grady and Tammy Emsick is $265 per hour);
  • Compliance Consultant of RCC is $185 to $250 per hour depending upon the particular Compliance Consultant;
  • Compliance Analyst of RCC is $125 to $175 per hour depending upon the particular Compliance Analyst (e.g., Melanie Howard is $135 per hour, and Autumn Lehn is $125 per hour); and
  • Compliance Specialist of RCC is $100 per hour.

The assignment of a particular staff person of RCC to work on a task or project is at RCC's sole discretion and will be based upon availability, skills and expertise of each staff person. 

Tasks/Activities Subject to Minimum Fixed Fee

To the extent that Client is subject to an hourly fee arrangement or has exceed budgeted consulting hours (or is outside the scope of services) under a fixed fee arrangement and is currently subject to an hourly fee arrangement with RCC and RCC performs a task/activity or set of tasks/activities listed below on the Minimum Fixed Fee Schedule, Client will be charged the greater of the hourly fees incurred using the current hourly rates or the minimum fixed fee listed below on the Minimum Fixed Fee Schedule.  RCC reserves the right to add, change and delete the tasks/activities and corresponding fees of the Minimum Fixed Fee Schedule effective immediately upon RCC giving client notice of applicable additions, changes or deletions.

Investment Adviser Representative Documents

  • ADV2B & U4 with Fingerprint or F/U – If RCC prepares Form ADV Part 2B Supplement Brochure and Form U4 in jurisdiction requiring fingerprints or follow-up with the securities regulator, there is a minimum fixed fee of $400 per investment adviser representative.
  • ADV2B & U4 New – If RCC prepares Form ADV Part 2B Supplement Brochure and Form U4 for an individual lacking a CRD profile or has not been registered through CRD during the prior two-year period, there is a minimum fixed fee of $350 per investment adviser representative.
  • ADV2B & U4 Pre-Existing – If RCC prepares the Form ADV Part 2B Supplement Brochure and Form U4 for individual that has a current CRD report and is affiliating with Client as an investment adviser representative, there is a minimum fixed fee of $300 per investment adviser representative.
  • ADV2B Only – If RCC prepares only the Form ADV Part 2B Supplement Brochure for an individual (and not the Form U4), there is a minimum fixed fee of $200 per investment adviser representative.
  • U4 with Fingerprint or F/U – If RCC prepares Form U4 in jurisdiction requiring fingerprints or follow-up with the regulator, there is a minimum fixed fee of $275 per investment adviser representative.
  • U4 New – If RCC prepares a Form U4 (and no Form ADV Part 2B) for individual without a CRD profile or has not been registered through CRD during the prior two-year period, there is a minimum fixed fee of $225 per investment adviser representative.
  • U4 Pre-Existing – If RCC prepares a Form U4 for an individual that has a current CRD report and is affiliating with Client as an investment adviser representative, there is a minimum fixed fee of $175 per investment adviser representative.
  • U4 Amendment – If RCC prepares an amendment to the Form U4 for an investment adviser representative currently affiliated as an investment adviser representative of Client, there is a minimum fixed fee of $95.
  • U5 Clean – If RCC prepares a Form U5 for an individual without any “yes” requiring a DRP, there is a minimum fixed fee of $125.
  • U5 with “Yes” Answer – If RCC prepares a Form U5 for an individual with a “yes” answer requiring a DRP, there is a minimum fixed fee of $300.


  • Advertising Review of Business Card/Letterhead – If RCC prepares an advertisement review of a business card or stationary letterhead, there is a minimum fixed fee of $75 per business card or stationary letterhead piece.
  • Advertising Review of Marketing Piece without Investment Performance – If RCC prepares an advertisement review of an advertisement, sales literature, newsletter or marketing piece which does not include investment performance, there is a minimum fixed fee of $150 per advertisement/sale literature/marketing piece.
  • Advertisement Review of Website – If RCC prepares an advertisement review of a website which does not include investment performance, there’s a minimum fixed fee of $350 per website.
  • Advertisement Review of Investment Performance – If RCC prepares an advertisement review of an advertisement, website, sales literature, newsletter or marketing piece which includes Client’s investment performance, there is a minimum fixed fee of $500.
  • Sample Website Disclosures – If RCC provides sample website disclosure language, which is not customized to Client and does not include a review of the website content, there is a minimum fixed fee of $250.
  • Sample Investment Performance Disclosures - If RCC provides sample investment performance disclosure language, which is not customized to Client and does not include a review of the advertisement, website, sales literature, newsletter, or marketing piece, there is a minimum fixed fee of $300.

Other Registration Documents & Filings

  • ADV1 Other-Than-Annual Amendment – If RCC prepares an Other-Than-Annual Amendment to the Form ADV Part 1, there is a minimum fixed fee of $95.
  • ADV1 Annual Amendment & IARD Renewals – If RCC prepares the Annual Form ADV Part 1 Amendment and IARD Renewals, there is a minimum fixed fee of $995, unless otherwise specified in the agreement for services. However, if Client and/or its affiliates sponsor or manage a private investment fund or pooled investment vehicle, there is a minimum fixed fee of $1,295 plus $225 for each additional private fund or pooled investment vehicle sponsored or managed by Client and/or its affiliates after the first private fund or pooled investment vehicle.    
  • ADV1 Annual Amendment Only – If RCC only prepares the Annual Form ADV Part 1 Amendment without IARD Renewals, there is a minimum fixed fee of $795. However, if Client and/or its affiliates sponsor or manage a private investment fund or pooled investment vehicle, there is a minimum fixed fee of $1,095 plus $225 for each additional private fund or pooled investment vehicle sponsored or managed by Client and/or its affiliates after the first private fund or pooled investment vehicle.
  • ADV-W Full – If RCC prepares a Form ADV-W (Full Withdrawal), there is a minimum fixed fee of $595.
  • ADV-E – If RCC prepares a Form ADV-E to identify the public accountant which will conduct a surprise verification audit, there is a minimum fixed fee of $100.
  • ADV-W Partial – If RCC prepares a Form ADV-W (Partial Withdrawal), there is a minimum fixed fee of $200.
  • Exempt Reporting Adviser Annual Amendment – If RCC prepares a Form ADV 1A Annual Amendment for Client as an Exempt Reporting Adviser, there is a minimum fixed fee of $475 plus $225 for each additional private fund or pooled investment vehicle sponsored or managed by Client as an Exempt Reporting Adviser after the first private fund or pooled investment vehicle and an additional $225 if Client is located in a state which charges an ERA renewal fee.
  • Form BR – If RCC prepares Form BR, there is a minimum fixed fee of $125. (Any follow-up questions or requests from the state regulator are handled on an hourly basis.)
  • IARD Renewals Only – If RCC prepares the IARD Annual Renewals (without the Annual Form ADV Amendment), there is a minimum fixed fee of $250.
  • Notice File – If RCC prepares an amendment to Form ADV Part 1A to notice file in a jurisdiction, there is a minimum fixed fee of $95.
  • Other State Registration – If RCC prepares the cover letter to other than home state regulator to register as a state registered investment adviser and miscellaneous forms required by state (except balance sheet), there is a minimum fixed fee of $495. Any subsequent changes or requests by the state regulator are handled at an hourly rate.
  • Switch State to SEC – If RCC prepares the Form ADV to switch from state registration to SEC registration, there is a minimum fixed fee of $900.
  • Wrap Fee Program Brochure – If RCC prepares a Form ADV Part 2A Appendix 1 Wrap Fee Program Brochure, there is a minimum fixed fee of $795.
  • 13F New Edgar Account & Initial Filing – If RCC assists Client in establishing a new Edgar account or new account with a third-party filing service and preparing an initial Form 13F filing, there is a minimum fixed fee of $375.
  • 13F Existing Edgar Accounting for Quarterly Filing – If RCC assists Client (who has an existing Edgar account and account with a third-party filing service already established) with a quarterly Form 13F filing, there is a minimum fixed fee of $275.
  • 13H Large Trader - Initial Filing – If RCC assists Client in preparing a “Initial Filing” under Form 13H through a third-party filing service, there is a minimum fixed fee of $450.
  • 13H Large Trader – Annual Filing – If RCC assists Client in preparing an “Annual Filing” under Form 13H through a third-party filing service, there is a minimum fixed fee of $350.

Subsequent Changes to Minimum Fixed Fees & Hourly Rates

RCC reserves the right to raise the minimum fixed fees or hourly rates indicated in the Minimum Fixed Fee & Hourly Rate Schedule after giving the Client a 30-day advance notice of the new minimum fixed fees and hourly rates.

Other Tasks/Activities Not Listed under Tasks/Activities Subject to Minimum Fixed Fee

In addition to the Tasks/Activities Subject to Minimum Fixed Fee, RCC also may offer a fixed fee in lieu of an hourly rate for certain other specific tasks or activities not stated above.  Prior to charging a fixed fee which is not already listed under the Tasks/Activities Subject to Minimum Fixed Fee stated above, RCC will provide a quote of the fixed fee in writing for Client's approval prior to beginning of such task/activity.


Client initials:                    


RIA Compliance Consultants Inc.

Schedule 4 – Sample Forms Disclosure

Please understand that these sample documents are provided to you on “as is” basis with no warranty.

These sample documents have not been customized to your investment adviser’s business model, the factual circumstances related to your situation, the specific investment advisory rules of your investment adviser’s securities regulator or your investment adviser’s written supervisory procedures and code of ethics. These sample documents may not be applicable or appropriate for your investment adviser. There may be several assumptions underlying these sample documents which are not identified or explained in the sample document.  You should not consider these sample documents as an exhaustive, comprehensive or definitive list of the items necessary to meet your investment adviser’s obligations under the applicable investment adviser laws and rules.

These sample documents are not intended to detect or prevent fraud, selling away, Ponzi schemes, undisclosed outside business activities, inaccurate or false fee calculations, theft, misappropriation or unlawful conversion of client funds.

Due to changes of investment adviser laws and rules, these sample documents may become outdated and need to be updated or discontinued. Since these sample documents may not reflect the specific investment advisory requirements of your securities regulator, please check with the securities regulator(s) with jurisdiction over your investment adviser before using this document.

These sample documents are not a substitute for retaining a compliance professional to advise and assist you regarding your investment adviser’s compliance program. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, you understand that you have not engaged RIA Compliance Consultants, Inc. in a consulting relationship by merely utilizing these sample documents. Additionally, please understand that unless otherwise agreed to in writing, RIA Compliance Consultants, Inc. is not responsible for customizing these sample documents, updating these sample documents, preparing your investment adviser’s written supervisory procedures or code of ethics, or notifying you of changes to the investment advisor laws and rules.

To the extent that these sample documents are related directly or indirectly to a contract or potential legal dispute, you should also consult with your attorney.  RIA Compliance Consultants, Inc. does not provide legal services or serve as your attorney.


Client initials:  

Unless RCC advises you in writing to contrary, ADV1 Annual Amendment Service includes the following: preparing the Form ADV Part 1 Annual Update filing through the IARD system; updating Item 4E of Form ADV Part 2; uploading the revised Form ADV Part 2 to the IARD system and submitting the amended Form ADV Part 1 and Part 2 through the IARD system.  IARD Renewal Service consists of the following: providing an outline of important dates and follow-up reminders throughout the renewal period; notifying the client of any documents that must be submitted directly to state securities regulator if investment adviser is registered with the state securities regulator; retrieving from the CRD system and providing the client with a copy of the CRD Rep Roster Report; providing the client with IARD funding information; retrieve from the IARD system and provide Client with a copy of the Client’s initial and final renewal statements; and monitor Client’s IARD renewal account and to verify that the account is funded in a timely manner, if funding is not credited specific reminders will be provided.

RCC will require certain deadlines of Client for returning questionnaires and for reviewing drafts sent by RCC. Client acknowledges that it will need to comply with any deadlines published by RCC in order for RCC to ensure that the amendments are filed no later than 90 days after the Client’s fiscal year end. In the event Client misses a deadline published by RCC for returning a questionnaire or reviewing the initial draft Form ADV filing, RCC cannot offer any assurances that the Form ADV amendment will be filed timely and RCC will bill Client an additional $255 to process the late submission or response. 

Unless RCC advises you in writing to contrary, ADV1 Annual Amendment Only Service includes the following: preparing the Form ADV Part 1 Annual Update filing through the IARD system; updating Item 4E of Form ADV Part 2; uploading the revised Form ADV Part 2 to the IARD system and submitting the amended Form ADV Part 1 and Part 2 through the IARD system.

Unless RCC advises you in writing to contrary, IARD Renewals Only Service consists of the following: providing an outline of important dates and follow-up reminders throughout the renewal period; retrieving from the CRD system and providing the client with a copy of the CRD Rep Roster Report; providing the client with IARD funding information; retrieve from the IARD system and provide Client with a copy of the Client’s initial and final renewal statements; and monitor Client’s IARD renewal account and to verify that the account is funded in a timely manner, if funding is not credited specific reminders will be provided.


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Signed by Bryan Hill
Signed On: 11/22/2021

Signature Certificate
Document name: A2. RCC.Registr.SEC.Turnkey Registr Package
lock iconUnique Document ID: 60dab26acec9e8cc9218b2d4c3642fc3bdd5db8c
Timestamp Audit
08/30/2021 3:32 PM CDTA2. RCC.Registr.SEC.Turnkey Registr Package Uploaded by Bryan Hill - esignature@ria-compliance-consultants.com IP